Pre-Order coming soon

Coming Soon!

Shadow's Ember has a tentative publication date of April 2025.

Stay tuned for how to get a copy as I continue working with Clovercroft Publishing to get it finished. I will not be directly selling copies through this website, but expect links to future store pages soon. Chapters 1 and 4 will continue to remain available as a preview.

Featured projects for November:

Main project

Outrun Ullage

Hoping to get back on track with this project soon. I'm beyond ready to start moving a game toward the "done" pile. Especially one that isn't just a throwaway jam idea.

"I got distracted" project

New Light

Now that Tirak's story is out the door. I'm starting return my focus on Kaleek's side of the story during my writing sessions. Rough estimate is that I might be 25% done on the manuscript's first draft, but this thing has a couple months of triage ahead of it before I can make that kind of call.

^ If you thought this was here for you, then sorry, that's my bad. I'm just very bad at procrastinating my way into "working" on 7 projects at the same time, and this is my way to have a physical box I need to put away before I'm allowed to pull out another and work on it instead.

Considering the only title I've released in 5 years is a half-baked game jam submission, any dates below are subject to heavy drift.