Log #92345: Final—huff—Entry.
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Prissi… Keep this running until my vitals are gone or the mask's transmitter melts away.
This is… Garrett "Avoma" Jones. Last known survivor of… nnNGH! the Atlandia Wildlife Research Center.
This is it.
I can't feel past my hips anymore, my left arm is nothing but a puddle anymore. Their filth is eating me alive. STARS it hurts so much!
I was an idiot, thinking they didn't have a way in, thinking I was safely hidden away. Of course I'm not safe. None of us are as long as we're still on this planet.
I… was trying to rewire Onok's bracer a little better—in the hopes I could give it to him tomorrow—when the door opened behind me.
I didn't even get a chance to turn around.
…My eyes can hardly focus. I keep hearing some kind of scuffle outside, but all I can see is the same leering snake hovering over me.
It isn't fair. We're all doomed. So many plans and details locked away in this head. My children still have no clue what the purpose of all this is for. Stupid. Why didn't I just TELL someone? I knew better. Always, ALWAYS add redundancy!
Gah. Not like this…
I guess I'll see you soon, my Light, like it or not.
I wish I wasn't. So much unfinished.
So… cold…