Maker's Grove
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Maker's Grove is a place of reverence and legends. Cybrii all throughout the island whisper that magic imbues the place. Of course it does. For here is where their Maker lives. To the untrained eye, it's a circle of ancient tree stumps that haven't yet begun to rot through. But those who have been invited know of the tunnels and cozy rooms that sprawl beneath this place.
Ah, welcome child! Welcome. Come in and put your feet up after walking so far, and then tell an old man what brings you to such a boring corner of my island.
Don't mind the equipment you hear down below. Just some new projects to keep this old brain busy now that your people can fend for yourselves.
Ah... You're wearing a mask of judgement.
Sigh. From the lines of orange etched into it, I assume Elder Bozrakh sent you down here from Terra. Well, you can go back and tell that lad I don't pronounce judgements anymore. That's up to you lot to handle yourselves now. You need to learn how much it drains the soul to kill something. Though... I suppose you already do.
Yes, yes. Murder. Such a villain you are. I know. Your Elder wouldn't have sent you to me for anything less.
No. I'm serious. I don't even want to hear your story, so don't start. Once you've heard hundreds, it gets hard to handle them all.
You aren't going to leave me alone, are you?
Sigh. Tell you what. Bring that box over to me. On the shelf to your right. Yep, right there between Britannica and my journals. You look like a fellow who regrets what they did. You messed up, you got kicked out of your home. But, when you had the chance, you didn't run off with any of those bandit camps that would've easily welcomed you. You did what your Elder told you and walked for days to reach me.
Oh. So you recognize what this is, do you? That's right. What you are is a sorry young lad who recently learned to temper their Nature; that innocent fits of rage have their consequences. I can't purge the animal from your soul, but you can learn to tame it yourself. And I hope that next time, you'll think a little more carefully rather wait for another lesson as hard as this one was. Go home in peace, and tell Bozrakh to stop sending lawbreakers my way!