Log #89007: Anium Cultivation Pond #01, now “Limna.”
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Ahh... Your little home away from home is still as delightful as ever, my Light. The creatures we dreamed of together swim freely between the sluggish currents, and the Limnii boatsmen do their best to keep the waters of your garden pure and clear. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but it's become a city now.
No, that's not hyberbole. Single neighborhoods of the cybrii rise dozens of stories into the air. Who'd have ever thought our little paradise island would have its own downtown highrise? I miss you.
Our Electrium garden was one of the first to become wild as soon as it stopped supplying an entire city's worth of machines. What had once been beautiful grew like a cancer until it was all but unrecognizable. It pained me to watch the place fall apart and slowly sink into the bay. I started finding excuses to ignore the service alarms that came from that peninsula's relay station. Then before I knew it, it had been a century.
Imagine my shock when Biri first dragged me out of my little home beneath the grove and took me to the very place I'd been avoiding. She had already put months of work into cutting away the rotting leaves from a dozen of the plants, nurturing the new growth that sprang out of its self-fertilizing mass. The air was still absolutely putrid whenever the wind stilled, but with my mask's filtration, I hardly noticed.
The result was STUNNING. Waterlilies bigger than buildings. Leaves wide enough—and probably thick enough—to land a helo on. I actually did park my old lander on a few of them. Up until the Limnii children started to live there in fact. I wasn't eager to become known as some sort of flying magical god to them. The elders' fervent worship of anything I did was already bad enough.
And yes, you were right. The extra cellular support from Limnium was absolutely worth the extra complications. Keeping it separated from the Electrium buds was the hardest challenge I remember from our time together, but look how it paid off now. I'm sorry I cussed you out as much as I did. I think deep down, it was because I knew you were right all along. Seeing it now, these beautiful monstrosities would never've been able to hold up under their own weight without that touch. I hear it's even become a staple food for many of the Limnii.
Hah, the classic fight between burger or salad seems to be even more universal than just our own little race. If it's any comfort, I'd gladly share another salad with you…